What’s your DATE STORY? Here’s what I learned from mine… You have your “stories”…we all do. But is it possible that perhaps it’s simply due to the WRONG DATE? These 3 things will help you get RIGHT in your date: 1. Don’t come to conclusions...
You MAY know them, but are you sipping on them…daily? Let’s find out… First. What are they? Second. Are you? (Rate it on a scale from 1-10.) Third. HOW? Fourth. Now… Dear Woman Sipping On Life (Dear S.O.L.,) here’s your TOP 10 LIST Of...
If you live on planet earth long enough, there will be things you must overcome, and they’re IN your present. This is what you can do about it… Oftentimes we blame the past for everything, including our present. Stop blaming your past. IT can’t do anything about...
Here is what’s missing in dating relationships, as well as so many relationships… Today’s S.O.L. Story leads to what I call, “The Art of The Ask.” The ability to ask in order to uncover and discover something. It starts within YOURSELF,...
This is for those moments when you’re at the end of the road, the edge of the cliff — the beginning of something… So, now what? Today I’ll show you… The “unexpected” allows us to go so much deeper than what we thought we would, should, or could…to discover...
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