WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE (with doctor shannon) | Stop Drowning | Start Sipping | Daily Inspiration | Hope | Certainty | Abundance | Movement | Purpose | Health | Love

Women Sipping. On. Life. with doctor shannon is YOUR daily podcast for something new. Different. Satisfying. Soul quenching. Unscripted. LOVE. Practical Solutions. Powerful coaching that equips and empowers you to show up. Speak up. Step up. Step into your life. Fully engaged. Loving your life + life’s work well. Starting from the very first sip. Uncover and discover your TRUTH, so you can drink it all in. Live it all now. Naked. Unafraid. Unashamed. Unapologetic. Unconditionally loved. Heart + Soul. Become the great lover of your life.


“I love love love Dr. Shannon! I listen to her podcasts on the way to work almost everyday. I have been inspired and have started looking at life differently. Are you inspired? Are you overwhelmed with life? Try taking sips! Listen in, and see what you think!” (Angie L.)

EPISODE 1930: Why She Doesn’t Like Dating

Here is what's missing in dating relationships, as well as so many relationships... Today's S.O.L. Story leads to what I call, "The Art of The Ask." The ability to ask in order to uncover and discover something. It starts within YOURSELF, so you can also do it with...

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EPISODE 1931: Forgive Your Present Not Your Past

If you live on planet earth long enough, there will be things you must overcome, and they’re IN your present. This is what you can do about it… Oftentimes we blame the past for everything, including our present. Stop blaming your past. IT can't do anything about it....

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EPISODE 1929: Now + Next…

This is for those moments when you’re at the end of the road, the edge of the cliff — the beginning of something… So, now what? Today I'll show you... The “unexpected” allows us to go so much deeper than what we thought we would, should, or could…to discover what’s...

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EPISODE 1928: Fight For Your BeCause

With everyone competing for your attention, where do you fit in? Where does your higher purpose fit? Who's fighting for IT? Today I show you how... First, you must stop repressing yourself. Repression leads to depression and regression! Second, you must discover your...

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EPISODE 1927: Fight For Yourself…

Punching yourself or punching others, how's it working for you? It's time to find your rhythm again... Some of the greatest lessons I've learned have come from being in front of a speed bag...attempting to slow down my mind and TRUST. OR... In a ring, throwing...

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EPISODE 1926: You’re Not Broken

What’s the difference between counseling and coaching? This was the question I was asked. This is my answer... STOP TRYING TO FIX YOURSELF…YOU’RE NOT BROKEN. What’s the difference between counseling and coaching? Yes, this is a question I often get asked. This is my...

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EPISODE 1925: It’s Raining Money…

The truth is, you can wait around for it to rain money, or you can become the rainmaker in your life… Are you ready to feel like a winner, and help others do the same? When was the last time you allowed yourself to give YOU...freely? The way we define things is...

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If you’ve ever felt a little selfish for putting you first, then listen to this… We care for that which we value. So the first thing you must do is take a look at YOUR VALUE, and how much YOU VALUE YOURSELF. How much do you value YOU and your life? Are you willing to...

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EPISODE 1923: The Same Change

 There’s NO Best Version Of You! In order for you to live the life you love and love the life you live, you must make changes in your life. You have power to change the circumstances or situations in your life. But it doesn't come from "out there." Change and...

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EPISODE 1922: Do You Have Time To Play?

It's time to play...not pause...not stop...PLAY. "Hey, do you have time to play?" This is what the little boy asked his neighbor. It made my heart smile. In today's episode, I show you that you're never too old to play. In fact, I believe it's vital to play at every...

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EPISODE 1921: Good Grief

All day I’ve been feeling like I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to share with you today. I kept thinking, what does “she” (you) need to hear from me today. Then I sat down at my computer, and I got the email…I knew what I was going to share with you. I hope my SACRED...

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EPISODE 1920: The Boob Job

It’s time to redefine beauty for yourself. What does BEAUTY mean to YOU…to US? There’s nothing more beautiful than a confident soul. And this comes from TRUTH. The TRUTH is…not only are you more than enough…You ARE. You are beautiful. Alive. Whole. Well. If you don’t...

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EPISODE 1919: What To Do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed…

We’ve all been there. You know, that overwhelming feeling of feeling overwhelmed. If that’s you today, please take a deep breath. Pull over, and take a moment. I’m going to remind you of a few things that I experienced lately in a highly stressful, overwhelming...

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EPISODE 1918: You’re Only One Belief Away…

Today I'm going to teach you 3 things that must happen to take your NEW belief to a NEW level of an UNBELIEVABLE LIFE. YES, you’re only one belief away… The beginning of BELIEF is BE. How are you being as you’re believing what you’re believing? And as you’re believing...

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EPISODE 1917: The Deception Of Truth

Today I’m going to uncover some truths that I believe will set you free, if you believe them. The truth is what we believe. But what if you’re believing something that’s not true? Here are some truths about TRUTH: #1: What do you believe? Look at your own personal...

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EPISODE 1916: Is Your Life’s Work Working?

This is the SECRET to living a life that works. Are you ready? This topic of “life’s work” has been one that I’ve wrestled with at some level throughout my life. Even though I felt as though I knew what my “calling” was from the time I was very young. The journey of...

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EPISODE 1915: Love Your Life Well

If this was YOUR last day of life, would your life know that you LOVED IT WELL? Today's episode is a continuation of yesterday's episode.  (EPISODE 1914: How To Become The Great Lover Of Your Life.) Having just received the news that someone special has unexpectedly...

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EPISODE 1914: How To Become The Great Lover Of Your Life

In today's episode I reveal the 5 Engagements of becoming a great lover. If your experience of life isn't the love story you thought it would be, this message will help you create one that is. Your Happily Ever After awaits... Are you a great lover of your life? My...

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EPISODE 1913: Abundance Gets High

In today's episode, Dr. Shannon will show you how to get to the next level of your abundance. Today’s episode is about getting above the problem and plan. So you can go to the next level. If you desire abundant growth and creation, then you’re going to have to get to...

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EPISODE 1912: Finish Your START

In today's episode, Dr. Shannon teaches you the secret to finishing what you start. WARNING: This one's going to require some deeper thinking. Is it possible that the reason you haven't finished what you started is because you haven't finished your START? Today I'm...

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EPISODE 1911: Are You Uninspired?

Today I’m going to give you some powerful steps that’ll help you reconnect with the inspiration that’s in you. If you’re lacking that inspired, loving feeling…you'll find it IN you. It’s simply fallen asleep. It’s time to wake up! Disengagement will cause us to lose...

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EPISODE 1910: Procrastination…Am I The Only One?

If you’ve ever suffered from the diagnosis of procrastination, you’re not alone! There is a cure. In today’s episode I teach you a 4-Step Strategy for overcoming…treating…adjusting the Procrastination Affliction. Today’s S.O.L. STORY… I’ve been in a resistance,...

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EPISODE 1909: Date Yourself Well

In today's episode, I’ll teach you how to become the great lover of your life. What’s the cost of NOT dating yourself well? A whole lot of unnecessary pain, suffering, and sometimes years of your life. The emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial consequences can...

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EPISODE 1908: Stand Up Women

It’s the topic of SEXUAL HARASSMENT. We can fight against it, or fight for something so much BIGGER than it. There are no show notes for today’s episode. You’re going to have to listen to this one yourself. Thank YOU for being YOU and STANDING UP FOR TRUTH! (And NOT...

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EPISODE 1907: It’s Not You It’s Me

In today's episode, I give you permission to be you, and to stop doing what's NOT you. If it's not you...then what is YOU? Where are you NOT being YOU in your life? Today’s SACRED S.O.L. STORY comes from my sweet little rescue dog, Stela. Recently she did something...

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EPISODE 1906: I’m Over It!

This is for those days when your attitude is bad and you simply don’t give a darn… Yep, we all have them. In fact, I’ve been feeling like this all day! This is what I’ve done…and hopefully this helps you. Be extra kind, compassionate, and loving with yourself today....

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EPISODE 1905: Before You Cheat…Do THIS

Cheating doesn't just happen TO you. It happens THROUGH you. It's an epidemic in our world, but it doesn't have to be. Here's how you can be part of the SOLUTION... Whether you've been cheated on, are thinking about cheating, or you've never thought about it until...

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EPISODE 1904: The Struggle Is Real!

Today’s episode is about affairs, cheating, heartache, divorce, and what WRANGLER JEANS have to do with your healing… Yes, the struggle is REAL! And this S.O.L. Story will expose some precious diamonds in the midst of the FIRE. Diamond #1: Your pain can lead to...

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EPISODE 1903: You Have Issues In Your Tissues

Have you been swallowing cement lately? This is a question I’ve asked countless numbers of patients over the years. Yes, I’ve palpated backs that felt as though they had been replaced with a chunk of cement. “Issues in your tissues” is what I like to call it. We’ve...

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EPISODE 1902: Tell Me Where You Hurt…

Perhaps you're sipping on WHINE...whining on your "poor me" story or you're sipping on wine, trying to numb your pain. Today I show you what to do about it... I know you're hurting at some level. Where Are You Hurting? In this episode, you're going to learn 4 steps to...

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