When you SHUT UP for too long…you eventually SHUT DOWN. Today I’ll show you how to SPEAK UP… There’s a time to shut up, and there’s a time to speak… When it comes to using your tongue, it requires a lot of wisdom. Wisdom that’s only gained from...
Insecurity will keep you from making the valuable deposits that you desire in your life. To be secure and NOT INSECURE, it’s vital to keep your security AND value your time. Especially when it feels as though keeping yourself secure it WASTING your time! It’s either...
Would you like to experience a full, great, prosperous, abundant life — outside of “need?” This is how… A need-based belief will keep you needy. What does “need” mean to you? And what does it mean to be “need based?” What do YOU need? If you only give...
Cheating doesn’t just happen TO you. It happens THROUGH you. It’s an epidemic in our world, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how you can be part of the SOLUTION… Whether you’ve been cheated on, are thinking about cheating, or...
Today’s episode is about affairs, cheating, heartache, divorce, and what WRANGLER JEANS have to do with your healing… Yes, the struggle is REAL! And this S.O.L. Story will expose some precious diamonds in the midst of the FIRE. Diamond #1: Your pain can lead to...
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