The past 24 hours have brought up a lot of memories of past feelings… Today I’m going to help you see another way to define S.O.L. Whether it’s stuck, overwhelmed, lost — overwhelming grief or loss… First, whatever you’re feeling, it won’t last forever. I promise....
Today I’m going to teach you a way to reset yourself when you’re feeling THIS WAY…and need to activate your healing. No matter what you’re going through this 4-Step Process will help you heal… Permission to Feel. If not, you’ll resist the feeling...
You are NOT alone, but I bet you feel alone, don’t you? If not always, sometimes. Here’s how to NOT feel alone. Kim McMillen said it so well, “When I loved myself enough I realized I am never alone.” First, you must realize it. Realizing it start with REAL for a...
Today I expose the overrated and overlooked parts of self care. You must understand this subtle difference or it can be dangerous. It could be the difference between Health Care and Disease Care… Not all “Self Care” is the same or healthful. Kim McMillen reminds...
If it can’t be interpreted at least 2 different ways, it’s probably not true. This is how to do it… Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I recognized my courage and fear, my naiveté and wisdom, and I make a place for each at my table.” We’ll start with...
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