In order to write a love story, there must be love. Here’s how to find it and begin telling a new story… Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I found my voice and wrote this little book.” Writing your love story begins with you finding your voice. It starts...
There’s a taste to freedom, a certain deliciousness that can sipped on and savored daily. Here’s how… Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I began to taste freedom.” Yes, and I began to… STAND. IN. POWER. Your significance, strength, and solutions are...
Connecting your heart and soul will make you whole. It starts with your heart, and the rest will follow… If you stay in your head, you’re dead. If you follow your heart, you’re fed. Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I realized my mind can torment and...
Perhaps you’re experiencing ADD because you’re lacking your ATT…the ATTention to your call which is to first and foremost LOVE LOVE, LOVE YOURSELF, LOVE OTHERS, LOVE YOUR LIFE. Here’s how… Give it your attention. ALL of your attention. In the present...
Fear’s not fear unless you fear it. So today I’m going to teach you a powerful strategy for dealing with fear… Have you ever thought about fear in this way? It’s usually not WHAT we fear, but WHY we fear what we fear. Imagine getting to that understanding, and no...
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