EPISODE 638: Self Love Isn’t Only About You

EPISODE 638: Self Love Isn’t Only About You

Have you ever thought that “self love” is selfish, self-centered, or arrogant? Well, I have great news for you…you’re not alone. Today I show you why you’re NOT alone, and why self love isn’t only about you. Kim McMillen said, “When...
EPISODE 637: Create Your Sacred Space

EPISODE 637: Create Your Sacred Space

In a very noisy, loud, fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget to pause and create the sacred space between your notes. Today we’re going to tap into this profound quiet… As well as celebrate and appreciate it. Without the silence there is no music. Without...
EPISODE 636: Enough Isn’t Enough…

EPISODE 636: Enough Isn’t Enough…

If you’re trying to be enough, it’ll never be enough. You’ll never be enough. What you’re really seeking isn’t a quantity, but a quality. This is what qualifies you… Kim McMillen discovered, “When I loved myself enough I forgave myself for all the times I thought I...
EPISODE 635: How To Release Your Baggage

EPISODE 635: How To Release Your Baggage

Stop procrastinating your feelings. If your life has become heavy, overwhelming, or anxious, THIS will lighten you up… Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I learned to grieve the hurts in life when they happen instead of making my heart heavy from lugging...
EPISODE 634: Why Your Life Is Meaningless

EPISODE 634: Why Your Life Is Meaningless

Today you’re going to receive your permission to matter. Real big. It all matters because you matter. Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I quit having to be right which makes being wrong meaningless.” If being wrong is meaningless, then so is being...