EPISODE 1543: Redefining Alone

You are NOT alone, but I bet you feel alone, don’t you? If not always, sometimes. Here’s how to NOT feel alone. Kim McMillen said it so well, “When I loved myself enough I realized I am never alone.” First, you must realize it. Realizing it start with REAL for a...

EPISODE 1542: “Self Care” Is Dangerous

Not all “Self Care” is the same or healthful. Kim McMillen reminds us that “When I loved myself enough I started treating myself to a massage at least once a week.” Although massages are great for caring for yourself, so are manicures and pedicures, eating and...

EPISODE 1541: This Is How To Interpret Truth

If it can’t be interpreted at least 2 different ways, it’s probably not true. This is how to do it… Kim McMillen said, “When I loved myself enough I recognized my courage and fear, my naiveté and wisdom, and I make a place for each at my table.” We’ll start with...

EPISODE 1540: Need A Good Laugh?

This is an episode that you’re going to want to return to again and again. Especially when your heart and life are in need of healing. (Warning! This may be contagious…) Do you need to become the great laugher of your life? Today’s been a tough day. I was...

EPISODE 1539: How To Be S.O.L. Not SOLO…

The first step in being alone is realizing that you are NOT alone. Period. These are the next 3 steps… However, if you never get alone, you’ll always feel alone. Kim McMillen shared, “When I loved myself enough I began to feed my hunger for solitude and revel in...