Our “ideas” can work for us or against us. It’s not necessarily what you’re eating, but perhaps what’s eating you that matters most… Have you ever fallen in love with an idea or the idea of someone, only to be disappointed? In...
Try this when you feel like giving up and quitting… Today I share a S.O.L. Story that’ll give you new perspective on what to do when you feel overwhelmed, scared, and want to give up. Is it surrender or giving up? Surrender or defeat? Surrender or...
Your dreams aren’t dead. They’re still there. They simply need some C.P.R. and tender, loving care. Here’s what you can do… Today I give you a 3-Step Evaluation process to assess, revive, restore, resuscitate, and resurrect your dreams. If...
You’re not IN your way, you ARE the way! Learn how to stop battling yourself, and begin working WITH yourself today… Today I teach you 3 things you can do to begin winning with — and within — yourself. If you’re battling with yourself, you’ll always end up...
Today I uncover the real problems behind your commitments, or lack thereof. First of all, it’s not a commitment issue. It’s a decision issue. You have more choices and options than you think you do. The problem is, you think you don’t. But… You do. The other...
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