Now that you know that the SECRET to you being able to access the power of dating and loving yourself is for YOU to BE THE WOMAN, here’s how to begin putting IT all TO GET HER… It starts with this… YOU. NO LONGER WAITING OR RUNNING. No longer waiting for someone else...
Waiting for a man to rise up and “BE THE MAN” before YOU BE THE WOMAN is not only costing you valuable lifetime, but it’s costing you the love and life you desire and deserve. Here’s how to stop waiting… STOP WAITING. START DATING. Today...
Give yourself permission to experience your date from the inside, out… Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Make a vision — inspiration — board today that expresses who you really are! I...
Hesitation. Okay, I said it. It’s the abyss that occurs between the moment you have an inspired thought or idea, and bam…you hesitate. How long does it last? How much is it costing you? How do you STOP it — especially when it comes to you not being you? Let’s find...
You’re complete just as you are. You don’t need anything or anyone to make you whole. I’d urge you to consider this… Today’s S.O.L. STORY was inspired by my meditation tree…it’s dying…prematurely. Take off all your labels and take a stand for YOU....
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