Today I’m going to expose the cement in your heart, and where it’s coming from… Have you been swallowing cement lately? This is a question I’ve asked countless numbers of patients over the years. Yes, I’ve palpated backs that felt as though they had been...
Perhaps you’re sipping on WHINE…whining on your “poor me” story or you’re sipping on wine, trying to numb your pain. Today I show you what to do about it… I know you’re hurting at some level. Where Are You Hurting? In this...
You’re either motivated by emergency, or inspired by urgency. Which one are you? Urgency is a great inspirer. Find out how to make it work for you today… In this episode I share my personal S.O.L. Story on the process of making a decision, and the...
When being enough isn’t enough, because your “BEING” isn’t a quantity. It’s a quality. It simply is, and so are you… Beauty starts with BE for a reason. So does better and best… It’s not what you are, but who you are. What...
Is it smoking hot? Your love…life’s not broken, and neither is your blow dryer… In today’s S.O.L. Story I share what I learned about love and life from my favorite, metallic orange blow dryer. Have you ever felt like your love life was/is...
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