What began as an idea, or as I like to call it, a “thought flash,” became words spoken from my heart — as I heard an old, familiar tune playing in my head. (But let’s not talk about that, baby!) 🙂
When I said all I needed to say, I pressed “SAVE,” while trusting that when the time was right, the song in written words would become a song of spoken words, with the right RAPPER to speak them.
“When the time is right,” I thought.
Not knowing when, or who, I set it aside. Although, out of sight, it was not out of mind.
It only took about an hour to write, but discovering the “right time” for it to become an actual RAP song took about 18 months.
Since that day I thought about the song often. Especially when hearing the countless stories from women around the globe who continue to sing the same old tune of “BROKEN BY THE EX.” It’s like a broken record, but I get it…I was there too at one time!
That was before I realized this…
If I desired to change my story, I MUST begin telling a NEW ONE.
So I did. I chose to sing a different tune.
After beginning the Women Sipping On Life Daily Podcast on August 22, 2017…now 290 daily episodes into this journey (at the time of writing this)…it’s become apparent that the time is NOW
Who better to feature as our STAR RAPPER, than UNI V SOL?!
Yes, he’s the amazing soul that introduces every podcast episode, and invites you to “listen, subscribe, and invite your best girlfriends” at the end of every message.
And, YES…his name really is UNI V SOL!! (aka Universal.) Truly Divine…
Of course, it only made sense that HE would be our S.O.L. RAPPER.
He brought my words to life!! I’m beyond grateful!!
Thank YOU for giving us your ear, heart, and SOL.
Now, it’s time to tell a new story.
It’s your time to sing a new tune, my dear!!
Let’s Not Talk About Ex: Featuring Uni V. SOL (www.univsolmc.com)
Music by Jay Man: What You Wanna Do (www.ourmusicbox.com)
S.O.L.| NOT SOLO. If you haven’t already joined the movement, you’re personally invited to come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WSOLMovement/
Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you.
Visit WomenSippingOnLife.com for more free resources, including my CHECKLIST FOR CHANGE, Engagement Checklist + Evaluation Rating, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, Date Yourself Well. You can also check out my Dr. Shannon Facebook Page for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING.
I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY.
xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.
A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…
Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL
Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (www.ourmusicbox.com)
Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (www.webdesigncreator.com)
Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (www.kmcaptured.com)