Today’s episode is a little rant/sermon about the TRUTH about truth. Although truth may not be popular, knowledge of it WILL set you free.

First, are you believing something that ISN’T true?

We all have a S.O.L. STORY (although it may not be so sacred), of someone who’s wronged us, told us a lie, wasn’t honest or truthful.

Disappointing, right?

It can be devastating to a relationship.

But what if that relationship is between your own heart and soul?

Are you telling yourself, and believing, the truth?

I’m sold out on truth (popular or not) for the following reason…

It’s the only thing that I’ve been able to stand on in the most devastating times, greatest loss, hardest, and most painful experiences.

Truth and the knowledge of it have allowed me to live, stand, grow, and heal in freedom.

I desire this for everyone I know and love, including you.

My desire is that you know the truth.

That you know what you believe, and why you believe it.

To be able to ask questions, expose the truth and the lies.

In all of my years as a Chiropractor, Healing Life Coach, and working with people, I’ve found that the ones who get the greatest breakthroughs are the ones that are willing to know the truth, and make decisions based on that truth.

If not, it’s like standing on a slippery rock, and trying not to fall.

Even though truth isn’t popular. It’s the only thing that’ll allow you to stand and live in freedom.

When you have truth you can put your trust in something that’s solid.

In my SIX SACRED S.O.L. DATE SECRETS or AGREEMENTS, I’ve shared this TRUTH about truth…

If it can’t be interpreted at least two different ways, it’s probably not true.

How you see it matters.

However, no matter how you look at a mountain, it’s still a mountain.

If your truth isn’t allowing you to get what you desire, live the life you desire, and create the life you long for…then it’s time to look at that “mountain” in a different way.

Do you see possibility?

Where there’s truth, there’s possibility.

It gives you the opportunity to start making decisions.

What are you going to choose? The truth or not?

A lie will always disempower you.

It’s a one-way ticket to disaster.

Are you willing to start looking at all the beliefs you have in your life, and asking what’s true for you?

Expand. Grow. Live. In freedom.

Find the TRUTH, and you’ll become unstoppable.

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.)


Be honest.

Is there any area of your life that you feel as though you’re not empowered? Is there a story in your mind and heart that says you’re a victim, you can’t, or “POOR ME”?

Expose it. Write it down.

Write down the truth about what you feel.

Then ask yourself if it’s true, and if there’s another way to see it.

Even though truth isn’t popular, it IS the true path to freedom.

Thanks for tuning in today, and every day…and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE… Request a FREE copy of my best-selling book, Date Yourself Well — The Best-Selling 12 Engagements Of Becoming The Great Lover Of Your Life (all you’ll pay for is shipping.)

If you’ve received value from the podcast, please let me know. I’d LOVE to hear from you — please email me at:


FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @doctorshannon! See you there…

Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT:

By the way, if you haven’t already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here:, and cast your vote for your favorite version.

Visit for more free resources, including my CHECKLIST FOR CHANGE, Engagement Checklist + Evaluation Rating, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, Date Yourself Well. You can also check out my Dr. Shannon Facebook Pagefor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING.

I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY.

xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…

Intro/Outro done by UNI V. SOL

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (