EPISODE 1251: ILLusion Creates Dis-ease

EPISODE 1251: ILLusion Creates Dis-ease

Illusion is a false idea or belief. What if you have false unconscious beliefs? Don’t worry, today I’ll share a technique that will help restore EASE back into your life. ILLusion starts with ILL for a reason. Today’s S.O.L. STORY is inspired by the conversation we’ve...
EPISODE 1250: What I Discovered IN THERE…Part 2

EPISODE 1250: What I Discovered IN THERE…Part 2

I’ve redefined fear, and here’s what I’m calling her… Here are 4 things I’ve discovered about fear: 1. It requires a new way to breathe. I’ve stopped holding my breath. Instead, I inspire. 2. It requires a new way to be. To be here. I tell myself, “I’m here.” 3. It...
EPISODE 1249: What I Discovered IN THERE…Part 1

EPISODE 1249: What I Discovered IN THERE…Part 1

I’ve rediscovered fear, and here’s what I see…The Metamorphosis. Today’s S.O.L. STORY is a continuation of the conversation we’ve been having about going all out…all in…discovering…fear…scared…sacred… I call it “The Metamorphosis…” It’s a natural process, although it...
EPISODE 1248: I’m OUT…All IN!

EPISODE 1248: I’m OUT…All IN!

When you’re still hiding, and you don’t even know it….DO THIS! Today’s S.O.L. STORY is inspired by my own personal journey of adventure and healing. It’s led me to a new AHA…revelation…insight…decision…commitment. Instead of “trying to help you…” I’m...
EPISODE 1247: Mother Your Fear

EPISODE 1247: Mother Your Fear

Best-Selling Author, Elizabeth Gilbert — Eat Pray Love and City Of Girls — taught me this powerful technique for handling fear. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Where have you been feeling...