EPISODE 236: Weather Or Not…

EPISODE 236: Weather Or Not…

The storms in life are raging, but here’s how to turn it UP when things seem to be going down… Today I’m going to show you 4 powerful ways to level UP. Whether or not there’s WEATHER…OR NOT. Circumstances are going to happen. Period. It’s part...
EPISODE 235: Prepare Your C.A.M.P.

EPISODE 235: Prepare Your C.A.M.P.

Complexity and complication are the enemies of your dreams and purpose. Today I’ll show you how to SIMPLIFY and tap into your WHY… Is it possible that you’re COMPLICATING your life? Lack of clarity is one of the biggest roadblocks to loving and...
EPISODE 234: What Does That Alarm Mean?

EPISODE 234: What Does That Alarm Mean?

Sound the alarm! But knowing why and what are critical in hearing them. Here’s how to harness your power… Today we take a closer look at how to respond, react, or create when the alarm goes off. Do you… IGNORE IT? Or do you… – Wake up?...
EPISODE 233: What’s Your Creative Genius?

EPISODE 233: What’s Your Creative Genius?

Your GENIUS is not only creative, it’s intensely powerful. It allowed you beat to the odds of 400 trillion to 1, and continue creatively creating. What have you done with it lately? Today I reveal the inspired power within you that has the purpose of creatively...
EPISODE 232: Speaking The Language Of Happy…

EPISODE 232: Speaking The Language Of Happy…

Today you’re going to learn how to become fluent in the language of happy…love and truth. Happy isn’t limited to how we feel, it’s an extension of how we speak. This new way of speaking will allow you to become a creative genius. Are you ready...