If you’ve ever felt “S#!T OUT OF LUCK”, today you’ll learn where it’s coming from and how to STOP IT. These powerful insights definitely changed my life!


How’s it going sipping on your life? How’s it tasting? How’s it feeling? How are YOU doing? Are you enjoying it?

Or does it feel more like you’re S.O.L., and the “stuff” is hitting the fan…and it doesn’t taste good at all?

If this is you, aren’t you glad you only have to sip on it?

That’s right, you don’t have to gulp it down.

Remember that nothing lasts forever. It’s not pessimistic. It’s the truth.

If it’s really great right now, and the flavor’s awesome, keep sipping. If it’s not so awesome, keep sipping. because it’s about to change.

Nothing lasts forever. In the good times, enjoy them and give thanks. Keep your gratitude and appreciation at an all time high.

When things are not so good and tasty, remember that “this too shall pass.”

This WILL change.

No matter where you are today, redefining S.O.L. is key. Sipping on life, living from your heart and soul isn’t due to bad or good luck.

It’s not luck at all. It’s a decision to listen to, commune with, and live from your heart.

We’ve all heard of the old definition of being “S.O.L.” (S#!T OUT OF LUCK.) It’s when the STUFF is hitting the fan, and you’re thinking that everything sucks, including yourself, and you’re hating life, and everything in it…including yourself.

I’ve been there! In a pool full of tears, not knowing what to do with myself.

If you’re going to redefine your situation, you have to be willing to look at it honestly, and STOP pretending.

I remember when things got really rough in my life. The misery and “Poor Me Story” that I was caught up in was awful. Then I finally got to the reality that I had to stop pretending that everything was okay.

After the big “D” x 3 (Divorce…3 times), it’s hard to pretend that everything’s okay.

From the beginning, one of my first thoughts was what others were going to think. But after THREE, I decided that what mattered most wasn’t what others were thinking of me. What mattered most was/is what I’M thinking of ME.

What are YOU THINKING today?

Where is your primary focus?

Are you focused on pretending?

If so, it’s likely that you’re worrying about what everyone’s thinking of you. Which leads to you carrying baggage that you were never meant to carry. It will suck the life out of you!

Where are you pretending in your life? I spent so many years living my life caught up in pretending that everything was O.K.

Finally I admitted that things were NOT okay. I wasn’t okay. IT wasn’t okay…and I made a decision that things were going to change.

Again, where are YOU pretending?

When you pretend, you end up paralyzing your possibility.


If it’s “make believe,” and you make things up, then you’re affecting your true belief system.

Your belief system will lead and guide you.

You’ll only go as far as your beliefs will take you.

If your belief is that you have to present yourself a certain way, and perform a certain way because you’re pretending that everything is perfect, then it’s time to take a look at how you DEFINE PERFECT.

How do you define perfection?

It’s a load that’s too heavy to carry.

It’s one thing if “perfect” is real, it’s another thing if perfect is pretend and NOT REAL.

Your life can be imperfectly perfect. That’s great. It’ s real. You’re being honest, and not pretending or performing for anyone, including yourself.

Don’t perform for anyone, including yourself.

If this is you today, and you’re pretending. STOP.

Everything about YOU matters, but when you pretend, it’s like you’re saying that there’s a part of you that doesn’t matter.

What matters most is the truth. No matter what it looks like. There IS no pretending when it comes to TRUTH.

There’s no “happily ever after”, unless you’re willing to get on board with it and help create it for yourself.

If you’re pretending that everything’s okay, and it’s not okay, you’ll feel terrible inside, and/or feel like you’re dying. I know, I’ve been there.

If life is sucking the life out of you. And YOU’RE SUCKING…it’s because you’re pretending.

Call it what it is.

As my dear friend used to say, “Call a spade a spade, not a shovel.”

Redefine what S.O.Ll means for yourself. It’s the beginning of a SOLution.

S.O.L. is the beginning of Sipping On Life.

The day I finally admitted that my life was too painful to gulp down anymore, and instead began sipping on it, I began to practice the art of loving myself well.

I desire this for you as well.

The question is, do you desire this for YOU?

Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.)


1. Sit down and write the answer to this question: Where are you pretending in your life?

That it’s all okay or NOT? Perhaps you’re making up a story that’s BIGGER than it really is.

2. Circle it and make a commit today to STOP PRETENDING. Start showing up, and redefining what S.O.L. means for you!

Thanks for being here! I appreciate YOU and the fact that you’re sharing this with others. We’re now in over 14 countries!! I’m humbled, honored, and so very grateful!!

I’ll see you again tomorrow.

xo Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch our WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (www.ourmusicbox.com)

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (www.webdesigncreator.com)

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (www.kmcaptured.com)