EPISODE 091: Truth Isn’t Popular

EPISODE 091: Truth Isn’t Popular

  Today’s episode is a little rant/sermon about the TRUTH about truth. Although truth may not be popular, knowledge of it WILL set you free. First, are you believing something that ISN’T true? We all have a S.O.L. STORY (although it may not be so sacred), of...
EPISODE 090: OMG, Am I Becoming A Mean Girl?

EPISODE 090: OMG, Am I Becoming A Mean Girl?

  Oh my goodness, am I (are you) becoming a Mean Girl? In today’s episode, you’ll learn 7 ways to expose the Mean Girl, and how to express the truth about her…YOU. The Sacred S.O.L. Story behind this message involves the infamous question that...
EPISODE 089: Sweaty, Cellphones, And Podcasts

EPISODE 089: Sweaty, Cellphones, And Podcasts

  Today’s S.O.L. Story will teach you not only the difference between clean sweat and stinky sweat, it’ll also reveal one of the most underutilized resources we have as humans. It’s a very simple, yet profound thing called AWARENESS. You may have heard of awareness...
EPISODE 088: Overrated Confidence

EPISODE 088: Overrated Confidence

  EPISODE 088: Overrated Confidence When I say, “confidence”, what comes to mind for you? Really? Do you feel confident, and how do you define confidence? Today I’m going to help you answer these questions for yourself, and get to know what true confidence really is...
EPISODE 087: Now What?

EPISODE 087: Now What?

  Today I’m going to give you 3 helpful tips on how to get conscious about the choices you make. And how to make them IN TRUTH. Have you ever caught yourself going down a stressful path, that’s loaded with blame? We all do it from time to time. Yes, I do it...